Thursday, 31 March 2011

Prohibition is anti-human

"It is not a war on drugs, it is a war on personal freedom."

History will not look back on prohibitionists with respect, and their 'war' is impossible, as it is a war against human nature and the natural world. They assume moral authority over another individual, they lie in order to enforce that authority and they ruin the lives of those who do not keep in line. Speaking philosophically, I believe we forget that we are human, we lose track of our human self in culture and the aspirations of others. We become our name, our ego, our taught values and absorb all the information we are given through various media whilst never pausing to consider what purpose it serves. Justification for Cannabis prohibition constantly changes, but still costs billions and still invades a very basic human freedom.

Why would any group or individual dedicate themselves to making a plant that has been used for over 2,000 years by humans and grows freely across the globe, a plant that has never taken a life and could potentially boost tourism and the economy illegal? None of that actually matters, as a human being there is no moral authority on this subject, a society that prohibits any aspect of nature is a paranoid and sickly one, fearful of personal freedoms. It is at war with its own species, not a plant or a chemical. Prohibition is only allowed to exist due to apathy and fear on a mass scale, we are lied to from a very young age, and then the lie is continued in television and right wing, tabloid newspapers.

Throughout history unbiased scientists have granted Cannabis with a pretty much clean bill of health, ill effects being so temporary and vague they're hardly worth considering. They have confirmed it is not cancerous, in spite of rabidly conservative Daily Mail articles, it has been confirmed first hand to have a multitude of health benefits. But the fact remains, none of this matters, as a human, born to this planet there are basic freedoms that are untouchable and unshakable, and to imprison and persecute one who has not harmed another dehumanises the victim of prohibition. As long as we fear the plant, or take the prohibitionist seriously we are animals, chained to the bizarre moral ideas of another man's foundation. Moral authorities assume themselves, and when their cause becomes futile they fabricate and exaggerate, stirring emotions, making people fearful of the contents of their own mind, binding them to carefully manufactured cultural values and the concept of family.

Whilst not as extreme as it once was, Cannabis prohibition still helps build public perception of what a Cannabis smoker is. Whilst I once would have been considered a threat to national security or part of  a degenerative hedonistic sub-community, destined to become insane, I am now deemed unmotivated and unfit judge or my own mental and physical health. According to the television Cannabis smokers are usually working class teenagers who have dropped out of school to pursue their 'addiction', living in squalor. The other depiction of a Cannabis smoker is somebody who is mentally ill, the state of their mental health prior to smoking Cannabis is never considered, the emphasis is placed on the fact that this person is mentally ill and they also smoke cannabis. This trash is implanted in our sub-conscience over the course of years until we simply accept it, the idea we are being lied to is just unfeasable.

We are being lied to, history has proven their intentions to be insincere and their approach to be morally bankrupt and dishonest.

They do not care about your health, and if they did they would bring attention to Cannabis harm reduction techniques. I recall seeing a documentary in which a doctor goes on about Cannabis smokers coming into hospitals with punctured lungs, not commenting on whether or not they were also tobacco smokers or whether or not they were made aware of vaporising technology that is available. But as long as the fight continues to prove cannabis is good, cannabis is healthy, cannabis won't turn you into a murderer or manic depressive we will still be losing. Anti-prohibitionist defence is ignored by the mainstream whose lifestyles are still based on and sustained by television, the fact is, we have nothing to prove and nothing to be sorry for. I don't need to explain my lifestyle or accomplishments or ambitions to anybody, I am a cannabis smoker and what you do with that information is your business, your authority is your own illusion and all the money in the world won't win the 'war on drugs'.

We exist in a constant state of competition, conflict and fear. We compete tirelessly for the paper representation of wealth, against or fellow man as though this is the way to build a better and civilised world. All of our emotion and physical energy is dedicated to this one cause, from our first day at school until we die. We learn, we keep learning from a young age, and not once are we ever encouraged to learn about ourselves, our own consciousness or to develop a drop of wisdom. We take the paperwork that identifies 'us' seriously, the driver cannot exist without a license, a human cannot exist without the appropriate certificate and so on. We're lost in the madness of another's ideal, of our own individual fear and apathy. Cannabis does not fit into this scheme, it creates a closeness to nature and opens minds, changing our perception allowing us to laugh at what once made us cry with stress.

Prohibition has turned Cannabis smoking into a statement, one that is anti-establishment and says YES to basic human freedom. The place of cannabis in history and spirituality and political liberation is ignored by the mainstream so many can only perceive the plant as an intoxicant or a party drug, cannabis is not to blame in this situation.

I'd ask anybody who disagrees with the content of this article to explain how their knowledge could benefit me, what good is their higher knowledge to me, and who gave them the information they base their prohibitionist ideas on. Everything we know is learnt and second hand, I don't consider anything I have to say to be profound or new, but more importantly I don't believe anything I have learnt should grant me moral authority over anybody who has not led my life. I would not want to see anybody punished for refusing to smoke cannabis as doing so is a ludicrous invasion of personal freedom and choice, the reverse situation is exactly the same.

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