Saturday, 19 January 2013

It has been a long time

I suppose I haven't wrote here in a while because I'm not too sure what's happening in my life. I've taken a huge amount of time off work and plan on looking for other employment soon. Since my last shift every day has blurred into the next, I have entirely lost track of time and have this complete absence of motivation, just a heavy, empty listlessness. I've done a good job of masking it by staying occupied and distracted, keeping company that causes me to entirely forget myself for a while. It just hits pretty hard when I'm on my own, however briefly. I haven't thought much about how I look in the past week or two, I've not had any intensely depressing or ugly days. It's sort of strange. I feel like there is some positive influence in my life at the moment and I'm just not sure of what to do with it.

I've spent a lot of time reading, I started the Bible in January and read up towards the end of the Book of Numbers. I have also been reading Paradise Lost and the most recent Haruki Murakami book. I hope to put a day aside tomorrow just to read, only it's difficult getting around in all this snow and I find I have to be out of the house to focus on a book.

Really not sure of what to write about. I might try again tomorrow or later.